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Category Archives: Entertainment

The moving industry is ripe for change

Posted on January 21st, 2014 by

The Moving & Storage world is a $16.5 billion annual industry consisting of 8,100 companies operating at 17,000 locations primarily providing moving and storage services for household and office goods. This Includes van lines, van line agents, independent full-service movers, international movers, forwarders, and auto transporters. Average cost of an interstate household move: About $4,200, based on an average weight of 7,400 pounds and average distance of 1,225 miles (2007) and including packing and other services.

Moves without claim, percentage: More than 80% of all moves have no claim filed (consistent for more than a decade – has been as high as 82%), and almost all (99.99%) claims are resolved before arbitration. Filed claims can include customer-packed shipments which may have contributed to damages.

The numbers

Percentage of household moves by market type (2005):

  • The Moving & Storage industry employs 122,600 people with an annual payroll of $3.6 billion
  • The Moving & Storage industry is composed of mostly small businesses: 47.8% of industry companies employ fewer than 5 people.
  • Only 8.5% of industry companies employ 100 or more people.
  • Americans who move, annual number: 38.7 million, or 16.5 million households @ 2.34 persons per household (2006 Census estimate)
  • Americans who move, annual percentage: 13%
  • 65% moved within the same county (23 million)
  • 19% moved to a different county within the same state (7.4 million)
  • 84% moved within the same state (32.6 million)
  • 12.6% moved to a different state (4.9 million)
  • 3% moved to the US from another country (1.2 million

Percentage of household moves by market type (2005):

  • Individuals: 48.9%
  • Corporate: 33.4%
  • Military: 16.2%
  • Other govmt: 1.5%

Interstate household goods moves, annual number (2006): 2.42 million (Census estimate)

by professional movers: 800,000
* by consumer with rented truck: one million (AMSA estimates)
* by consumer unassisted: 1.2 million



Posted in Entertainment, Health and Fitness | Leave Reply

Curabitur quis purus a augue

Posted on January 21st, 2013 by

Curabitur quis purus a augue interdum laoreet id ut mi. Duis scelerisque consequat augue ac congue. Mauris quis diam quis sem fermentum gravida. Vestibulum nibh purus, iaculis egestas viverra nec, rhoncus et quam. Maecenas vulputate, risus sed cursus hendrerit, leo massa eleifend est, non posuere elit magna vel ipsum. In convallis, libero nec viverra porttitor, diam mi accumsan tellus, at tempor dui nunc ut quam

Posted in Entertainment, Marketing & Advertising, Real Estate | Leave Reply

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Posted on January 20th, 2013 by

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in mi nibh, quis pharetra est. Vivamus est libero, gravida eu pharetra a, dictum sed eros. Aliquam sem massa, aliquam quis imperdiet vitae, hendrerit sed neque. Nullam vestibulum, eros non bibendum volutpat, ipsum lacus tincidunt magna, a fringilla justo turpis vel nunc. Nam egestas convallis lorem, dapibus dignissim nulla ultrices eget. Sed ut sem augue, sit amet mattis augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut faucibus iaculis lectus, vitae pharetra leo lobortis sodales. Donec interdum libero a neque tristique accumsan. Duis non quam vel dolor vestibulum luctus. Vivamus auctor cursus elit, id consectetur libero luctus vitae. Fusce eleifend fermentum sapien eu pellentesque.

Posted in Entertainment | Leave Reply